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    Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities.

    It has two major divisions:

    • Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord

    • Peripheral nervous system: all other neural elements, such as eyes, ears, skin, and other "sensory receptors"

    A doctor who specializes in neurology is called a neurologist. The neurologist treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, such as:

    • Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord

    • Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis

    • Peripheral nervous system: all other neural elements, such as eyes, ears, skin, and other "sensory receptors"

    • Headache disorders

    • Infections of the brain and peripheral nervous system

    • Movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease

    • Neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)

    • Seizure disorders, such as epilepsy

    • Spinal cord disorders

    Symptoms of Warranting a Neurological Consultation:-

    Certain symptoms may make the doctor suspect that a visit with a neurologist would be useful.

    These include:

    Headaches: Almost everyone suffers from headaches at some point, usually due to tension or perhaps a mild illness like a cold. On the other hand, some people suffer from more severe headaches like frequent migraines. In rare cases, the headache may be caused by something serious, like bleeding into the brain or increased pressure in the skull. Patients with severe or life-threatening headaches may need to be managed by a neurologist. Chronic pain: :Many people have pain in their back or neck. While this kind of pain can often be managed by a primary care physician, sometimes a neurologist will become involved, especially if this pain is associated with other neurological problems like weakness, numbness, or problems with bladder or bowel control. Dizziness: People mean many different things when they say they're dizzy, and different kinds of dizziness require different kinds of doctors. Neurologists commonly see patients with vertigo and disequilibrium. Vertigo involves a sense of the world spinning as if you were on a merry-go-round. Disequilibrium means a lack of coordination or balance. These feelings have various causes, some more serious than others. • Numbness or tingling: Like dizziness, numbness and tingling can be caused by many medical problems. A primary care doctor can manage many of these problems, but some require the attention of a neurologist. Numbness and tingling are most concerning when they come on quickly, only affect one side of the body, or are associated with weakness. These may be signs of something as serious as a stroke, requiring urgent evaluation. On the other hand, benign things such as anxiety or temporarily low blood sugar may cause finger numbness and tingling that comes for short periods of time. If the numbness persists or gets worse, it may be due to peripheral nerve disease, and a neurologist may be called for. If you have any doubts, contact your physician to see what further evaluation is needed. • Weakness: Some people confuse weakness with fatigue. An example of true weakness is being unable to lift something no matter how hard you try, although you may have been able to do so earlier. Fatigue means that with full effort, you can get the strength you need to lift something, but it may feel more difficult and tiresome to do so. Weakness usually only affects some muscle groups, whereas fatigue affects all of them. The difference between weakness and fatigue is important because while fatigue can be caused by benign problems like sleep loss or a mild illness, weakness can signify something more important, such as stroke or neuromuscular disease. Like numbness, weakness is especially concerning if it comes on suddenly or just affects one side of the body. This may be a sign of a stroke or other serious problem and requires immediate attention. • Weakness: Problems with movement include clumsiness, tremor, rigidity, unintentional movements, or difficulty walking. Some patients have an apraxia which means they are unable to perform certain movements, such as brushing their teeth, despite having the coordination and strength required. Many people have a barely noticeable tremor, which may be worsened if you have too much coffee or if you're anxious. If tremor interferes with daily life, a neurologist may be needed. Tremor does not automatically mean that you have Parkinson's disease. Many other things can cause tremor, including smoking and some medications. Still, it may be a good idea to have your tremor evaluated. • Problems with movement: Some people confuse weakness with fatigue. An example of true weakness is being unable to lift something no matter how hard you try, although you may have been able to do so earlier. Fatigue means that with full effort, you can get the strength you need to lift something, but it may feel more difficult and tiresome to do so. Weakness usually only affects some muscle groups, whereas fatigue affects all of them. The difference between weakness and fatigue is important because while fatigue can be caused by benign problems like sleep loss or a mild illness, weakness can signify something more important, such as stroke or neuromuscular disease. Like numbness, weakness is especially concerning if it comes on suddenly or just affects one side of the body. This may be a sign of a stroke or other serious problem and requires immediate attention. • Vision problems: Gradual vision loss associated with aging is best managed by an eye doctor. Sudden vision loss, on the other hand, can be caused either by a problem with the eye or a problem with the nervous system and requires immediate medical attention. A new case of seeing double should also be evaluated as soon as possible. If you have new vision problems, try closing one eye. Information from one eye travels in the optic nerve to meet information from the other eye in the optic chiasm near the front of the brain. If the visual abnormality goes away with one eye closed, the problem is likely in the eye. If the abnormality is in both eyes, the trouble may be in the nervous system. • Sleep problems: Sleep disorders are very common, and many different types of physicians see patients with these disorders. Depending on what is happening, you may best be served by a pulmonologist, psychiatrist, or neurologist.